Advantages of Using Acupuncture after Miscarriage in Portland

Advantages of Using Acupuncture after Miscarriage in Portland

Acupuncture is a natural treatment method based on Chinese medicine that can be likened to physical therapy in that it is process-oriented. Patients undergo several acupuncture sessions over time while their body is moving towards the desirable results. Because of acupuncture’s strong ability to balance hormones, increase blood flow in the pelvic area, and reduce […]

Discovering Acupuncture for Fertility in Portland

Discovering Acupuncture for Fertility in Portland

Have you been trying so hard to get pregnant but nothing seems to work? If you don’t feel that using fertility drugs is for you, and want a more natural way to improve your chances of getting pregnant, acupuncture can help. Research Acupuncture for fertility can address hormone imbalances, diminished ovarian reserve, unexplained infertility and […]

Portland Acupuncture Consultations for Miscarriage Prevention

Portland Acupuncture Consultations for Miscarriage Prevention

Introduction Miscarriage refers to the loss of pregnancy before the embryo or fetus has developed to the stage when it will survive. When one’s pregnancy goes wrong, all the joy, excitement, and anticipation become guilt, devastation, and sorrow. Miscarriage happens for many reasons, and yet, there are ways to prevent it. Acupuncture can be one […]

Taking Advantage of IVF Acupuncture in Portland

Taking Advantage of IVF Acupuncture in Portland

Introduction: Taking Advantage of IVF Acupuncture in Portland In vitro fertilization, or IVF, is a process of fertilizing eggs with sperm outside the body to improve chances of conception. It involves stimulating a woman’s ovaries to produce from 2-15 eggs at a time. Hence allowing the sperm to fertilize the eggs in a lab, either […]

Where to Get Acupuncture Treatment for Infertility in Portland

Where to Get Acupuncture Treatment for Infertility in Portland

Acupuncture is a type of health care that falls under the system of Traditional Chinese Medicine, which originated 3000 years ago. In simplest terms, acupuncture involves the insertion of very fine needles into specific sites in the body to affect health. These points lie within specific areas that serve to improve circulation, regulate nervous system […]