Does Acupuncture Work to Treat Insomnia?

Does Acupuncture Work to Treat Insomnia?

Does Acupuncture Work to Treat Insomnia? Feeling exhausted after running a marathon or topping a mountain is exhilarating, but exhaustion after a sleepless night can drain your energy entirely. Insomnia occurs in 40% of adults. People diagnosed with insomnia “may feel tired, tense, lazy, or have delayed reactions, distraction, or headache”. On top of that, […]

Self-care During the Coronavirus Pandemic Phase 1: It’s Ok to Not be Ok

Self-care During the Coronavirus Pandemic Phase 1: It’s Ok to Not be Ok

Pandemic Self-Care Phase 1 My heart goes out to everyone during the Coronavirus pandemic. It’s shocking how quickly everything changed, and how much we’ve had to give up. I hope you and your family are staying well and safe during this time. It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it? The news is hard right […]

Self-Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic Phase 3: Laughter

Self-Care During the Coronavirus Pandemic Phase 3: Laughter

Self-Care Can Be Laughter There’s a lot of hard news out there right now. We’re all reacting several times a day in ways that are triggering our fight/flight/freeze response. This nervous system over-activation is normal and ok once in and while, but is not healthy when it continues for days or weeks. When faced with […]

Self-Care During the Pandemic Phase 4: Mindfulness

Self-Care During the Pandemic Phase 4: Mindfulness

During the Coronavirus pandemic, I don’t expect you to be calm. I won’t even pretend that’s possible much of the time. Many things are so different and scary now. And, frankly, a lot about this is really inconvenient and frustrating.  To help us cope, we’ve been hearing a lot of about mindfulness. We’re encouraged to […]

Nutrition During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Self-Care Phase 5

Nutrition During the Coronavirus Pandemic: Self-Care Phase 5

Nutrition and Self-care During the Pandemic I’m noticing a lot of funny social media posts about people “snacking their way through social distancing”. It’s so true! Since many of us are spending more time at home balancing kids, spouse and work, it’s been easy to graze instead of eating true meals, completely dropping our routines. […]