6 Expert Tips for Improving Fertility In Your 40s

6 Expert Tips for Improving Fertility In Your 40s

There are a lot of reasons someone might wait until their 40s to start their family: Not wanting to interrupt your career, finding the right partner, resolving health issues first. Let’s face it, for most people, it’s harder to get pregnant in your 40s than it would have been in your 20s. But starting a […]

Melatonin for Fertility: A Wonderful Super-Supplement

Melatonin for Fertility: A Wonderful Super-Supplement

Most people have heard of melatonin as a supplement that helps with sleep and resetting circadian rhythms. Did you know that melatonin is also found in the fluid of ovarian follicles? As the follicles that will become mature eggs grow, the amount of melatonin increases. This makes Melatonin an important supplement for not only sleep, […]

What are Safe Pregnancy Exercise Programs?

What are Safe Pregnancy Exercise Programs?

What are Safe Pregnancy Exercise Programs? Most people have heard the advice not to start a new or vigorous exercise program during pregnancy. However, for someone who was very active before becoming pregnant, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (in their committee opinion #804), says it’s safe to continue those activities during pregnancy.  The […]

Exercise and Fertility: When Is Exercise Harmful To Your Fertility?

Exercise and Fertility: When Is Exercise Harmful To Your Fertility?

Let’s discuss exercise and fertility. If you’re planning for a pregnancy, the idea that exercise could be bad for you probably hasn’t crossed your mind.  Most people concentrating on improving their health think that eating the right foods and getting more exercise are at the top of the list.  Many types of gym programs and […]