We have an important moving announcement to share!
Lisa Tongel, Lauri Elizabeth, and Winslett Carr will be moving their acupuncture practices in mid-July 2022. We will continue to be available for appointments in the Portland area at our new locations.
*Please note that July 16 will be our last day at our current NW Vaughn location. You can continue to schedule with us through the current patient portal through July 16, 2022.
Lisa’s New Location:
Lisa Tongel, LAc is excited to be moving her practice to Kwan Yin Healing Arts Center, with appointments available in both NW and NE Portland starting July 26, 2022.
Kwan Yin is a superb integrative medicine clinic with a 20+ year history of providing award-winning healthcare to the community. Kwan Yin Healing Arts Center’s philosophy is focused on four main principles; Community, Collaboration, Care, and Compassion – which matches well with Lisa’s own longstanding values. Some of Portland’s best Wellness providers practice at Kwan Yin, and Lisa is honored to be joining them!
Lisa plans to start practicing at Kwan Yin starting July 26, 2022. Learn more about Kwan Yin and how to contact them for future scheduling.
Lauri’s New Location:
Lauri Elizabeth, LAc will also be moving her practice to Kwan Yin Healing Arts Center and will be available at both NW and NE locations for appointments starting July 21, 2022. Lauri has had a long relationship with Kwan Yin and its providers due to her role as a Faculty member at the National University of Natural Medicine. She is excited to be joining Kwan Yin, where she will continue to specialize in reproductive health, chronic illness, and pain management.
Learn more about Kwan Yin and how to contact them for future scheduling.
Winslett ‘s new location:
Winslett Carr, LAc will be moving to a new location in Portland after July 16, 2022, where she will continue to create space for health and healing.
If you are a patient of Winslett’s, you can expect to receive a newsletter update with her new Portland practice address soon. You can contact Winslett directly at winslettcarrlac@gmail.com. You can also visit her website for updates and subscribe to her newsletter to get the latest info: www.winslettcarr.com.
In the meantime, Winslett reminds you to treat yourself well during this time of transition — schedule a vacation, hike through Forest Park, visit the Japanese Garden, or come visit us for a treatment!
Our Commitment is to You!
We’ve enjoyed being a part of the integrative medicine team at Synergy Women’s Health Care these past few years! We will maintain our close collaboration with the providers at Synergy, and will each continue to deliver high-quality integrative care at our new locations. Check out Synergy’s new location updates here.
We are excited for this next phase in our practices and look forward to seeing you soon!
Visit Portland Acupuncture Studio’s Website to learn more.
Appointments are Available During the Transition
*Please note that we will continue to see patients at our NW Vaughn location through July 16, 2022. You can continue to schedule with us through the current patient portal until then.
You’ll be hearing from us with more updates soon!
Warmest Wishes,
Lisa, Lauri, and Winslett