I am happy to share with you this great podcast, Grow Cook Heal, by my colleague and friend, Jill Blakeway.
Jill is an acupuncturist in New York City and runs a fantastic clinic called the YinOva Center. You might recognize her — she’s been all over the media after publishing her excellent books, Making Babies, and Sex Again. (I often recommend them to my patients).
I met Jill several years ago just before her first book was published. She graciously hosted me for a clinical externship while I was completing my doctoral studies.
We both specialize in fertility treatment, so it was a great opportunity to observe Jill and discuss all matters of Chinese medicine and fertility. Honestly, it was great validation to see how she did things was quite similar to my own.
Fast forward to 2015 on a recent, but too brief trip to New York, I had the good fortune of stopping by her office once again.
This time I presented my research to her highly skilled (and growing) team. When I finished, we snuck around back and chatted for a segment on her new CBS Radio podcast, Grow Cook Heal, or GCH for short.
The show is a beautiful concept: each episode will contain a segment on growing (garden, community, etc), cooking, and healing.
On the first GCH episode, my research on how acupuncture can enhance IVF was the “Heal” segment. Click the Episode 1 link below to have a listen!
Didn’t that sauerkraut sound amazing?
Suddenly, I think I’m hungry for some kimchee.
As for acupuncture and Chinese medicine as a treatment to support your fertility or IVF, please contact me or click the “Make an Appointment” button on the right column to set up an initial session with me at my Portland clinic.
At the start of the year, I will have more availability and will be posting about my new hours soon.
Till next, have a great week!